Food plays an important role in keeping you healthy.

You want which food and what food?

Some are interesting facts

The amount of food you need each day depends some what on your age, sex, size, and the amount of physical activity you engage in.


Young people need more food in proportion to their weight than adults do. This is because they are using additional energy for growing and building new tissue. Boys generally seem to need more calories than girls. A calorie is the unit of heat used to measure energy supplied by food. A large person usually needs more calories than a small person.

A very person burns up more calories than someone who gets little exercise. You may use up 350 calories or more per hour while swimming, playing tennis or football, running, or bicycling. But you ill use only 80 to 100 calories per hour while watching TV.

Contrary to what many people think, mental activity and hard concentration do not require extra food. There are tables based on studies of human nutrition needs. They show about how many calories fairly active people of average size and weight require.

Unless you are underweight or overweight, you probably don’t need to count calories. But it is helpful to be aware of the approximate number of calories available in different food.

Fruits and vegetables

*Father and mother say eat your veggies and fruits, at least five servings’ daily, of flowers, stems, and roots.


*Now add nutritious dairy foods to make strong teeth and bones. There’s chocolate milk and cheeses, and even ice cream cones!

Bread and rice

*Bread and rice and cereals, tortillas, pasts, too; essential carbohydrates, the basics just for you.

Fish and chicken

Beans and seeds build muscles, so do fish and chicken. These proteins help you grow up strong, and keep your body active.

Sugary treats

If you’d like some candy, or other sugary treats, only have one serving. Hey, watch how much you eat!

Choose as fuel

The foods you choose as fuel, help take through the day. Food gives you all the things you need to think and work and play!



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