Articles about Successful ageing, Biological, Non-biological or Genetical affects of ageing, Death, Life expectancy, Retirement, Longevity, health issues arise with ageing etc.

Articles [Aging and Longevity]

The heart of the matter A little bigger than a cricket ball and only weighing 250 to 300 grams , our heart is a miraculous work of nature. Every single day it pumps nearly 8300 liters of blood. When you do the right things you are giving it a...

In every woman birth, there is a second puberty. It’s the menopause. After that it’s her second phase of life journey. Normally menopause occurs in 47 or 48. It’s a monthly routine starting from her teens and after 30 or 35 years when it comes to...

If you are serious about long life Smoking is a dangerous habit that not only effects the one who smokes, as they say that each cigarette smoked lessens life by 5 to 10 minutes at an average, but also effects life of persons around him and his...

Healthy season on its way Nature has provided us with certain months in winter season to allow improvement in our health every year. We should take full advantage of this healthy period to keep us fit for rest of the year when conditions are not...

Size of your waist is important Waist of a woman is her real identity as far as her beauty is concerned. Waist size is a clear indication of fitness of a particular woman and her awareness about health. A health conscious woman knows how to keep...

Alzheimer's disease is a slowly progressive brain disorder, marked by increasing memory loss and disorientation. This is a very heart-wrenching experience for the patients and their caregivers. Early treatment may help slow down and some times even...

Heart is engine of your body Heart is main organ of our body, which works non-stop as long as we live that needs a delicate care but today’s lifestyle and eating have put it on innumerable risks all through the world and more so in our country...

Loss of hearing is one of the many ailments that afflict an aging person. This gradual hearing loss due to aging is called 'Presbycusis'. Usually when it strikes, the person is not really aware that he is suffering from hearing loss. It leads to...

What is dementia  This is a mental disorder. Memory is seriously affected. This seriously affects a person’s ability to move about and recognize persons and places. The term is derived from Latin, meaning ‘without mind’.  Dementia is...

Heart – the most strong part of a human body; perhaps the most weak too! It starts beating even before a man’s birth on earth and is the indicator of one’s life. It’s the first organ that starts functioning in a womb and the last one to stop too!...

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