Articles [Celebrities]

I would like to nominate legendary performing artist and global humanitarian Michael Jackson for the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. He was and will continue to be one of the most famous, and influential men on earth.Michael’s message for humankind has...

Lord Vishnu sent the rakshasa Bali to the Pathalam in order to save dharma. Thus in each incarnation lord Vishnu has served a specific purpose. Even in his 6th incarnation as Parasuarama, lord Vishnu exterminated the sinful, destructive,...

Dussehra It is celebrated in most parts of our country. This marks the victory of good over evil. It is also called as Vijay Dasimi. We celebrate Navaratri and the tenth day is Dussehra. The effigies of Ravana, Kumbhakarana and Meghanath are...

Sound nil silence peace of in your mind as same as in space. But In that silence try to ear `om’ does sound with your tong (do it from your mouth). `Om’ is most powerful mantra. All our mantras begin with `om’ and end with namah. That is the...

Parasuarama was a power man. He was great devotee of mother. His was avatar Srimannarayan. Parasuarama father was Jamdaghni, and his mother Renukamba. Jamdaghni was a great teacher. Parasu means an axe. Rama means a person who grants a state of...

Marriage means in Hinduism, youth a male and a female to live combined as wife and husband to continue their travel to end of the life. Marriage is a certificate to life partners of new couple. An Indian Boy and girls after marriage, they are Wife...

Chasing the time, my tattoo is crime, design- ware named Sinister, since I was a spinster, I feel like I'm a winner, no more a beginner no more a novice, hope you notice   Bite foes like a dobberman punch them like superman, spin webs...

Eating together On the last Sunday of every month residents of the Amana apartments get together for lunch. The family ladies decide the menu and assign the dishes to be made among the different families. Everyone is happy to meet each other. It...

Sharing with God very often in life we come across people who hut us. They crack rude jokes, bully and say things to frighten us. At times we even watch them troubling/ harassing others and we are not able to stop them. We lie awake worrying...

In tamilnadu , the word 'Super star' means only one person and he is none then the actor Rajinikanth. He has struggled a lot to reach this position. Some important events in this life are below:   Rajini was born on  December 12, 1950. His...

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