Articles [Social Life]

1) During the Stone Age it has been reckoned that there were as many left-handed people as right-handed people. By the Bronze Age this number had fallen by half and today about 5 per cent of the population are left-handed.   2) When Mohammed Ali...

Freedom is the most difficult element to secure under existing condition. i am not an advocate of certain forms of freedom which most adults find unendurable. There should be no enforced respect for grown-ups who should allow themselves to be...

A home stay at a green refuge In Thippannahalli leaves behind comfortable and contented memories. Thippannahalli, a green refuge near Chikmagalur is the best place to find peace and serenity in the present  day hectic lifestyle.  Valleyed between...

As India is a popular name in the world mostly because of its population. We have more than 110 crores people in our world and one research says that before 2025 India will be world's No1 country in the population. Some time this is good because...

Holidays garden Holidays are the days that one spends away from one’s routine work. They do not always mean the act not doing ant important work, but are meant to be only for relaxation. Holidays may be combined with even physical exertion. The...

The most burning problem in our country is the need for national integration. This is a subject that is most talked o, but on which the least work is done. Many who consider this as important o not follow up their precept with practice. There are...

Great Thinkers Aristotle -384 to 322 BC Aristotle was a famous Greek thinker. He argued that, for true knowledge you must find the ``final cause—why something happens? Aristotle was the first great scientist, stressing the...

Hello friends just check out the list below. 1-Hunger remains the No.1 cause of death in the world. 2-  1/3rd of the world’s hungry live in India. 3-    5 Indians die every minute from hunger 4-    25 lakh Indians die every year from...

What does it mean when some one say ' I love you' when some one say I love you to another person then what he/she feel. why he/she say i Love you what he/she love about him/her. Is it the look,attitude,behaviour,personality or what? Mother...

Have you ever found yourself in difficulty because of any of the following activity which you are not able to do.These activities may look simple but have caused problems for many of us.And these activities do not need explanation.So here are 14...

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