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That's a wonderful and handy list chinmoy
Thank you said by: chinmoymukherjee
Indeed it a very useful handy information for curing various aliments. Thanks for sharing it.
Thanks a lot.. I am saved this thing on my computer, can be useful anytime.

ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
This is indeed a good information one must try these natural remedies before going for any sort of medicines. I have seen people directly taking medicines for flu which I feel is not good. :blink:
Thanks to all who have found this bit of information useful and handy! Your good words make my efforts worth putting in! :P :P
Thanks to all who have found this bit of information useful and handy! Your good words make my efforts worth putting in! :P :P

Why not? A good thread attracts laurels and praises.Cheer you
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