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We can learn a lot from such inspiring personalities. Looks and dress are indeed significant. Appearance gives first impression.

A person endowed with looks and etiquette will steal the show and electrify the surroundings wherever they are.
The protagonist in last year mega hit Aashiq 2, bears a distinct look with a smart appearance. :whistle: :whistle:

The protagonist in last year mega hit Aashiq 2, bears a distinct look with a smart appearance. :whistle: :whistle:

They are the products of celluloid tricks. Real beauty lies in simplicity. Once these celluloid stunners come out of the make believe world, their originality surfaces.
Shanawaz Hussain, the Herb Queen says that Indira Gandhi carries an aura that follows wherever she went.
This reminds me another beautiful woman Maharani Gayatri Devi.

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Of course Gayatri Devi was an icon of beauty.She had perfectly chissled features and a personality to match...She remained beautiful all through her life with age only enhancing her looks...

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Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: rambabu
Shanawaz Hussain, the Herb Queen says that Indira Gandhi carries an aura that follows wherever she went.
This reminds me another beautiful woman Maharani Gayatri Devi.

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Of course Gayatri Devi was an icon of beauty.She had perfectly chissled features and a personality to match...She remained beautiful all through her life with age only enhancing her looks...

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Still Gayatri Devi's unmatching elegance can't be missed. A beautiful Photo
Thank you said by: usha manohar
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