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It is done in accordance with world pricing and when it goes down too in India that would be done, it is a normal process nothing suprisable element to it so that a newer thread would be created on this subject.

It all depends on the price variations of the crude oil. Accordingly the price of petrol varies.

In my state, transport department, private one are calling strike as they want to increase passenger fare but sadly they have not reduced price considerably when price of crude oil was falling like apples in winter.

Agitations are already in force all over india for the petrol price rise.

So with all these agitations and burning of effigies opposite parties think price of petrol and diesel would be reduced. The same age old practice by political parties.

It's the desperate and meaningless agitation of the opposition to be in the limelight. Nothing more.

mohan manohar wrote:

In my state, transport department, private one are calling strike as they want to increase passenger fare but sadly they have not reduced price considerably when price of crude oil was falling like apples in winter.


Yes it happens once price increases they don't reduce it with the reduction in price of petrol.


Now the new demand from the opposition parties is to reduce the VAT,

Yes VAT must be reduced. In any case in a dynamic pricing the taxes should be minimum

Rates of all things are increasing greater than the rate our salary increases. It's difficult to survive these days.

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