A new survey has named antibiotics as the most important medical development of the past 50 years.

After antibiotics, vaccination was named the second most important medical development in the poll of more than 650 doctors.

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Thanks for sharing Deepti!
Yes Antibiotics is the best invention in the Medical field which have help saved thousands of patients from sure death!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

French chemist and biologist named Louis Pasteur, experimented and concluded that garlic had antibacterial properties. He showed how garlic killed bacteria.

Many studies in many countries confirm that garlic has antibiotic properties that are definitely effective against different types of bacteria.

So GARLIC is a natural ANTIBIOTIC.. :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Vaccination comes only after antibiotics ???Is it so powerful?

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According to the present environment, a new born child is given antibiotics course to supply with the additional antibiotics.... This helps the infant to fight with the polluted world and unfamiliar bacteria for him... No doctor s ready to face the risk...... :(

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When new born he is administered with antibiotics!!But antiboitics have a lot of side effects also.

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Yes Abid.... Thats the way the doctors are treating the newborns these days... This is because, mother's womb is the safest place for the unborns and as soon as they were born, they would be attacked with many viruses and bacteria...

Thats how the present world is!!!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Wasn't it the condition of ancient time also? It is some type of business conspiracy I think.

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No doubt it is hailed as the greatest but its indiscriminate use of it is a matter of worry!
But the alarming thing is it has lot of side effects.When children get cold it is better to treat them with home remedies rather than giving them antibiotics.
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