How many quizzes can be posted per day and per month?
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I think you can post as many you can but they should be unique one. but its better to contact admin and conform

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

you can post as many quiz as you can post but each quiz contain 15 question for approval.
I don't think that there is any limitation of the number of quizzes you can post here but it is better to focus on quality than quantity and the number of question per quiz should not be less than fifteen....!
I think there is no limitation but repitition should not happen. Regarding number of question i am still confused? :unsure:
Thanks to all and I have got my answer.I have already posted some.
How many quizzes can be posted per day and per month?

No limitation like this.

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I think there is no limit for quizzes.You can post as many as you want.
I don't think there is limitation, but to get cash the questions should not be less then 15

according to news rules you can post as mny post as you can post a ques. must contain at least 15 ques set.
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