What are the benefits of self realisation?
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Every one knows himself and others around him. The term self realization hardly makes any sense.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Self realisation is very important to measure our skill,talent etc.one can succeed anything after one's self realisation.
Its good to realize your mistakes if you will improve yourself that is positive result of self realization.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Its good to realize your mistakes if you will improve yourself that is positive result of self realization.

Does self realization mean assessing own qualities, capacity, good or bad points, potential. If so, this is good means of self improvement and pogress.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think self realization covers many points and my points also can be part of self realization .

Santosh Kumar Singh



Self-realization is a process where 'self' is central.It is surely one of the most difficult processes as our powers are limited and we need help of external agencies to realize our true powers.Only exceptional mortals can claim to have it!
self realization is best benefit. IF we realize ourselves then we never go to before realization position

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

If you realize yourself, You will get more amount of confidence....
Self realization helps the person to know about his weak points and he can work more on it to remove his weakness in any matter.
There are so many benefits that daily meditation can give us to know the power of self realization...
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