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If you are working to a company, that means it is not a rule to know how that company got that name and all. what we see, from when this company got established. how it is maintained and whether it is fake or original. will they pay us salary or not thats it we will see.

As you are unemplyed one so if u try for any job , will you try to know who kept the name, why they kept that name , how that name came , how many letters it include, did they use numerology in keeping the name and all bla bla bla. no na. we just see whether it is a worthable company or not and will it pay just the salary or not that it. In the same way SRK also did. He just accepted the offer , as he know nokia is a good company and maintained from many years. that knowledge is enough for his job. ok

Ok as you saying SRK ran behind money. That means for every thing you know about what you do right. then you may be using a cell phone, so can you tell me how that company name came without searching in Google.

So without know about anyone dont critisize or talk badly

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

person who invented nokia pones may live near to nokia thats why this name came to his mind.

Even at present who is maintain the nokia company may not know how the name name nokia came

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.


Even at present who is maintain the nokia company may not know how the name name nokia came

my dear sarala....i was never referring to the name of nokia......i was speaking generally in this context.......and i crtiticized shahrukh for the way he values advertisements...i love as an actor and he needs to show some charachter in choosing the brands he endorses....

what the wrong SRK did? He just accepted the offer the nokia people gave him to work. I feel there is nothing wrong in that. and SRK may be using Nokia phone

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

again informative discussion. i did not know about the origin of name nokia. thanks guys.
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