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Jyothi, I think it is a good idea to go through the FAQs section; which would clear all your doubts... :)
This would clear many of your doubts. If still having doubts, you are welcome... :)
FAQs section had been recently modified with the latest information. :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Thats really a very good guidance given Karthikeyan. :)

I think the guidelines are very much clear and would clarify many of the doubts...

Thanks 'n' Regards,
The FAQ section i s also very much informative for beginners. :) I have one more question. When we write articles and when we need some images to explain the article should we search for royalty free images?
i think jyoti's doubt has been cleared now, and very encouraging to see a new member asking doubts..
[quote]When we write articles and when we need some images to explain the article should we search for royalty free images? [/quote]

That would be prudent thing Jyoti!! Always use only royalty-free images because using an image that is under copyright protection act would be illegal and may lead to your account being blocked if boddunan faces any problem on thsi account! Hope this is helpful to you.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Friends please tell me whether we have to reach the 2000 point system every month to earn the csah credits?
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