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With time and experience we change and everyday is a new learning process in our lives. So as human beings we change with time. There is hardly any person in this universe who doesn't change. Change can only stop when we stop breathing or die...
It is not that people want to change but it's the time and situations make a person so, sometime even in their is good news he can't be happy because of the situations he has passed, and when people meet that person they find him changed

time is the main medicine to change people .

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes it true when we meet a friend after sometime it behaviou change and it show different nature.
yes, most of the people change due to atmosphere, situation and people around them. But some people never change at any cost

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

People change due to the atmosphere,circumstances, situations, people around them, conditions, attitude and if they like any attitude then they change into that also

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

When we change....we can't predict even just before the moment. It is like a river suddenly changing its direction

Meera sandhu
As said in hindi that "parivartan hi srishti ka niyam hai", so we all do come in that and thats why we all do change with the passing years and by having so many experience in life.

Most of the people change according to their situations, circumstances and people around them and for the society

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

People will change automatically due to money only. It will change in to bad persons.

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