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OK Sajje you are right. Now only for you.
The next Bike is:
Akash this is an easy one. this bike is named as triumph speed triple
i knew this time ,but i'm bit late........sajeetharan has already answered the bike name............

waiting for the new bike....
bike-20100812.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
Neetu this bike for you. let me know your knowledge about bike
i think it's Ducati.... :)

may be Ducati 748... :(

am i right?
Sunny my dear friend

U are wrong dude

Think another one ? i got it Mr. Akash... B)

it's Cagiva Mito Evolution... :)

am i right my friend...? :silly:
a.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
Good Sunny keep it up. You are right.

The next bike is:
if i'm not wrong it's Harley Davidson LSR 2-1 V-Rod...sure

am i right akash? :silly:
g.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
You are right Sunny.
The next Bike is only for you:
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