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Both are nice topics but the later sounds more apt in the current situation.
I feel the first topic is much more nicer than second. Another topic can be "Should doctors be tried in court for errors"
Is MBA necessary to be successful in life ?
Here is my suggestion in current scenario.

"Have Bhopal victims got Justice ?"

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We will start with the topic "is cricket hampering the growth of other sports" for this week.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

OK..The GD has already started.

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Next topic i want to suggest.

How to make India a developed country?

Santosh Kumar Singh


Some suggestions are welcomed by members for the upcoming week's GD..
I think this topic will be good

"Men and Women both have equal value"

Santosh Kumar Singh


I think a similar GD was there months ago.So put a new one.

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