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I had made a harmles pun statement to lighten the atmosphere. But It seems the bhaktas are burning. Please use water to put it out from the rivers.No need to respond to this post. Concentrate on water day issues.

Even a post on Water Day can be so easily politicised. It's an art which most people possess. 

On a serious note, the water scarcity issue should be countered effectively as year after year, the rising mercury is making and breaking records. This can add to the plight of the poor who can barely afford potable water. 

“There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.” 

   Oscar Wilde

 water can also be conserved by minimizing the waste water. Every small actions to minimize water wastage helps in conserving it. As for me normally when I wash clothes I don't throw away the last rinse water down the drain but instead use it for watering our garden or cleaning the court yards. And we also practise rain water harvesting.

Awareness in the people, plays a vital role in conserving the water. Below given three steps, we follow in our home for conserving water

  We Turn off the tap while brushing  teeth.

 We get the broken or leaking taps and pipes repaired.

We use a mug and Bucket for bathing instead of a Shower.

Very true, though so abundant on earth, it is the most precious thing.

I have been brought up in Delhi and then married to a person from ranchi. Both these places feel the burnt of water scarcity during summers. I often say people that I know the art of managing the whole day in few buckets of water. Somehow, it has come so consciously to us. But I am surprised that how educated people can be so ignorant in wasting such precious things. 

Awareness and conscious effort is needed.

I am open to experience what life's mystery bag holds for me

jabeen wrote:

 water can also be conserved by minimizing the waste water. Every small actions to minimize water wastage helps in conserving it. As for me normally when I wash clothes I don't throw away the last rinse water down the drain but instead use it for watering our garden or cleaning the court yards. And we also practise rain water harvesting.

Unless we manage water wisely there is no way we can.conserve it..I too never throw away water used for cleaning rice, dhal and vegetables . I water the potted plants with it. And all the wash water is directed to flow towards the flower plants and coconut trees. One can see the difference in summer since that patch remains green forever..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

There are few Indians who make us proud because of their intelligence and the manner in which they have utilised nature using the intelligence they possess .The article  is about a Bangalore based engineer who has not used the corporation or Cauvery water ever since he built his house two decades ago and implemented rainwater harvesting  ..


Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

People like Shivkumar , feel,a lot of water is being wasted due to mismanagement . Additionally , he is of the strong opinion Rain water harvesting can effectively can sustain the city's water supply.

 People like Shivkumar are rare.

Water shortage has become so acute in Karnataka that KSRTC Volvo buses traveling long distance have stopped supplying mineral water to passengers , which was the normal practice. All the ponds, lakes,rivers and wells are drying up and this year would probably be worse than last year ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Luckily. water shortage is not so acute in AP. But with the onset of summer, the State is likely to face water shortage

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