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How do you react when the advice giver don't follow the advices he/she has given you?

:blink: :blink:

I still consider it :) if i find it worth.What about you? :blink:

Most people think it is a great virtue giving unwanted advise ! But it is the most annoying thing in the world and unless it is needed one should try not to give free advise anywhere ...Personally I wold evaluate it and then only act upon it !

And that is the best way just blindly following someone's advice may harm us. :blink:

I always followed my father's advises and never regretted that I did.

What is important is that you are convinced and thats all that point in doing things against our wish !

Better still if one knows whom to follow and whom to ignore.

I guess we know in our minds what to do, and what not to do...but life is sometimes complicated and we end up doing the very things we dont want to they say Never say never ... :huh:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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